Florestas do Amanhã
A forest restoration project that seeks to regenerate 1,100 hectares of Atlantic Rainforest in the State of Rio de Janeiro. Its main objective is to guarantee 40% of forest cover in the territory by 2050. It is currently the main driver of reforestation efforts on campus. At a glance:
restoration techniques
Degraded areas with historical use of coffee, sugar cane and charcoal production and carbon ranching
Native species sourced from a local network of nurseries and our own 10.000 seedling nursery
Total planting, enrichment and densification, regeneration conduction and agroforest systems (SAFs).
Restoration areas
SINAL's operations are headquartered in a 200 hectare campus in the buffer zone between one of the last remaining protected areas of the Atlantic Forest, and the urban sprawl of Rio de Janeiro. Our campus is a vibrant platform where people from diverse backgrounds converge as students, event attendees, volunteers and project participants. Learn how you can be a part of our activities!
Integral restoration model
Factoring in the regeneration of people, the planet, and the economyit.
Biodiversity inventory
Ensuring ongoing collection of flora and fauna data for enrichment and protection of native species.
Contemplating landscaping spaces for recreational and ecotourism activities within campus
Harnessing opportunities for experimentation with alternative reforestation techniques and educational programs.