Guanabara Bay Trail
A long distance trail spanning 110kms connecting three like-minded restoration centers. It is a bioregional strategy to catalyze a regenerative economy in the Baixada Verde, promoting the value of its environmental assets and overcoming of social inequalities.



protected areas
Areas with historical use of coffee, sugar cane and charcoal production and carbon ranching in regeneration
Municipal, state and national parks with natural attractions, native and endemic flora and fauna
Panning through the outskirts of Rio through Duque de Caxias, Petrópolis, Magé, Guapimirim and Cachoeiras de Macacu
Trail layout
SINAL's operations are headquartered in a 200 hectare campus in the buffer zone between one of the last remaining protected areas of the Atlantic Forest, and the urban sprawl of Rio de Janeiro. Our campus is a vibrant platform where people from diverse backgrounds converge as students, event attendees, volunteers and project participants. Learn how you can be a part of our activities!
Factoring in the regeneration of people, the forest, and the economy
To protect and restore the Atlantic Rainforest, increasing biodiversity, ecosystem services and water security
Sustainable production chains
To develop an agroecologically-sourced products market that contributes to food security
To rescue and promote community-based tourism that highlights the cultural and historical heritage of the region

Network of Brazilian Trails
As of 2023, the Guanabara Bay Trail is part of the network RedeTrilhas, a government iniciative destined to connect points of interest of the natural and cultural heritage of Brazil through long distance trails. The network connects more than 10 thousand kilometers across Brazil.
Official trail signage